Indre Troms / Midt-Troms
Indre Troms has some of the best and biggest ice climbs in Northern Norway. In Sørdalen you have the famous Skredbekken, Tamokdalen houses many waterfalls and so does Spansdalen (se map at the "Flågbekken-page"). Most of the major lines are climbed, but there is probably a lot of new lines waiting for the first ascent.
There are no complete guides available. has two guides for this area:
- Flågbekken / Sjøvegan. Guide for Flågbekken, a nice ice crag and some mix climbs
- Sørdalen / Bardujord. New 2011!! Guide to some of the best ice climbing in Northern Norway.
This is a pdf-guide, page size A5.
Other sources to ice climbing in this area:
- Midttroms Tindegruppe, the local climbing club, has a a few descriptions and some photos on their webpage.
- Here is an article from Alpinist by Urban Golob with some pictures and descriptions from a trip Aljaz Anderle and Klemen Premrl made to Troms in 2007.
Updated 4.12.2011