Ice Climbing in Norway

Code Red (WI6,300m), Setesdalen, © Pawel Karczmarczyk and Per Lindberg.

26.10.2024. Bjærangen in Meløy. Alpine, adventorous granite climbing. Long routes, great adventures.
Complete guide by the one and only Eirik Nøst Nedkvitne.

09.09.2024. New updated version of Collection of topos of rock climbing in peaks around Bodø Strandåtind, Sjunkhatten, Store Åselitind, Trolltind, Mjelletindane, Preikstoltind, Husbyviktinden, Midnattstinden, Skottindtraverse, Hamarøyskaftet etc. Not a proper guide, but lots of info. New topo from fantastic crack climbing in Arstaddalen, Beiarn. Updates from Valviktinden and Breitinden in Mjelletindane, new routes, better topos.

18.1.2021.Complete Winter climbing guide for Bodø area. Downloadable PDF. Self service payment.

7.5.2020. Vassfaret updated. New routes, pictures and info on this remote gem in eastern Norway

21.6.2019. Sportsklatring i Bodø-området. 88 sider!

28.5.2016: Klatrefører for Sila og Rana. Verdensklassebuldring i Sila!



Our self-produced guides and topos:

All the stuff:
Isklatring i Eresfjorden / Eikesdalen Iceclimbing overview

Other online ice guides:

Brattere enn Andersnatten, nesten like høg!

 Kartgrunnlag: N5000-Statens kartverk. Gratis tilgjengeleg på

Who's the guys behind this awesome site?



Sveinung at Fina kafe, Høljerast

 Mikjel at Fina kafe, Høljerast

Sveinung Råheim og Mikjel Thorsrud
sveinungraaheim[ATT], m.thorsrud[ATT]

Updated 7/5-2020